
How to Network on LinkedIn - 5 Secret Hacks for 2023!


LinkedIn is the best platform to get the desired outreach in 2023. A LinkedIn profile optimizes the human-to-human (H2H) touch in the era of social selling. There is no doubt that LinkedIn is growing as the major professional social media platform. Most people use it to attract potential audiences. But is your LinkedIn profile attracting recruiters' attention as it should? Henceforth to make you understand we are here with this blog. 

We discussed what hacks can exactly help you grow your LinkedIn network so that more recruiters can notice your profile and get to you. 

How to lay down your profile? 

Will you respond to a profile that has zero sorts of information and pictures? Obviously, not! 

So laying down your profile perfectly is vital as without a proper foundation nothing works effectively. 

The first and foremost step in creating your LinkedIn profile is uncomplicated. However, a prominent description of oneself should be present in the Linkedin profile. So, ask yourself your goals and what you want to achieve in the future. Once you acknowledge the answers link that with your LinkedIn profile and contour your presence in the global network. 

Various types of persons and professions are present in the social media platform. In the case of LinkedIn's Social Media Platform growth, you can only succeed with the help of a professional profile. 

So before curating an effective and worthy LinkedIn profile take care of the following things:

  • Describe your top skills in a headline. 

  • Relate your professional interests with a background picture. 

  • Add a summary of your skills and achievements on LinkedIn.

  • Add Education to your qualifications. 

  • Add your current Job Role.

  • Add detailed Work Experience like the one on your resume. 

  • Describe volunteering skills and hobbies.

  • Add five skills endorsed by others.

  • Add four references to gain LinkedIn's trust.

  • Add a vibrant featured section that includes research, articles, awards, interviews, video resumes, videos of products and services, and more. 

Also, for more prominence, you can follow these questions. 

  • What is your target? To get hired, build a network, reach clients, or build a brand? 

  • Who is your target audience, and how do you depict demographics and psychographics of yourself? 

  • What keywords can highlight your value and strengths?
  • Who are your competitors? 

  • What is the pain point of your audience? 

These statistics and questions will help you build a LinkedIn profile that frames your profile in the best manner. 

Now that you know how you can lay down your profile, let's focus on some hacks that will help you grow your LinkedIn network. 

Hacks you should never forget! 

Hack 1: The first impression is the last! 

Yes, if you want to attract more networks to your profile then your photo matters. That same old low-quality selfie can never give a good impression of yourself. When someone searches for your name and finds you, then the photo is the first thing they notice.

It is the best way to create a good impression. Treat your headshot professionally, like in a meeting shot, client meeting shot, prospect, or business shot. Make sure that the photo is of high quality and clicked with a good camera.

Your photo should speak your professionalism to the audiences who try to reach you. Also, getting an approachable look is vital, and people find it appreciable. 

Hack 2: Ditch the old headline! 

Old headlines are not approachable anymore so ditch that immediately. On the LinkedIn platform, you only have 220 characters limit to describe yourself. So utilize it in the most modern way and make new networks. Instead of just restarting your job tile that shares a vague statement simply use it as an opportunity to hone in on keywords.

It is a treasure for adding value to your profile and making your LinkedIn profile more engaging. Don't forget that headline adds direct value to your name and profession. Writing an attractive headline is capitalizing on the opportunity to introduce yourself to the potential audience.

Also, try to make it short and effective that adding within 50 characters. Captivate the interest of people with the help of nice and attractive headlines.

Hack 3: Summary means everything!

The summary is the introduction to your profile. It is not just about you but is rather more than that. Many candidates use it as an 'about me' summary, but it is more than that. LinkedIn profiles that are specifically dedicated to interests, skills, and achievements are mostly highlighted.

A summary allows you to integrate your client solution and show your audiences what exactly you are. The summary section helps identify why your clients will choose you, and what values you can add. Some of the areas that you should always add to your summary include:

  • Who are you? 
  • Whom do you work with? 
  • What is your work purpose? 
  • How do you achieve success? 
  • What people can expect from you? 

Most importantly, you should engage with your audience using the summary. Also, don't forget to add a clear CTA (Call to Action) in your summary. 

Hack 4: Turn on the creator mode! 

In the contemporary world, everyone uses social media sites to get likes and followers. But this is only possible by turning your profile into creator mode. Well, you can also turn your profile into a creator one to make it more interesting and engaging. First and foremost, turning on creator mode hides your connect button and replaces it with a follow button.

There is something more genuine and personal about connecting with people rather than just getting followers. Building a connection bridges the gap between the people and the profile user.

But the creator mode is more intended towards distributing unique content to the audiences. Also, you can add a video of 30 sec to your profile with live-streaming photos in the background.

Hack 5: No excuses! 

Last but not least hack you should follow is not to miss out on a blank space in your profile. Blank space can negatively impact your growth in the LinkedIn platform and hampers your network building.

So, don't underestimate the value of filling your experiences and education like volunteering, skills, honors, awards, languages, organizations, interests, licenses, certificates, recommendations, publications, courses, projects, causes, and more.

All these make your profile more active and engaging. It helps to build the digital human-to-human (H2H) touch and keeps your profile above your competitors. 

In conclusion, 

LinkedIn is a great platform to grow; if you are looking for significant growth, then the above hacks are just for you. Start your growth and network-building journey by creating a solid profile on this platform.

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